
The Swedish School of Textiles Stockholm Spring/Summer 2019 | FashionTV | FTV

2018-09-25 4 Dailymotion

U/NITEDA meeting, when two or more garments come together to create a new whole. This project aims to interpret a two-dimensional collage into a three-dimensional garment by investigating playful combinations. It’s about the meeting between scale, materials, movement, colors, garments and the playfulness that is created through the combinations.

Elin Holm

Prints developed post garment production directly onto the garments. Using uv-developed dye a technique that in fashion is previously very unexplored. When the sky is literally the limit new aesthetics in print design can be achieved.

Sarah Ljungdahl

Smock x Knit
Exploring the possibility of shape in knitwear by looking at the aesthetic properties of smocking, drawing inspiration from sportswear. By extracting elements from smocking the ambition has been to translate aesthetic aspects of the technique via volume, pattern, material and colour into knitted material, targeting a sporty silhouette and expression.

Emma Granberg Silfors

By morphing extreme contrasts in dress, by the means of ​male coded work wear​ and ​female coded​ shapingwear, this work explores ​gender related​ norms, ideals ​and​ status.

Linn Sjögren

The aim of this work is to explore the printed Hawaii shirt through material investigations in search of new print
meetings. The motive of this work is to critically look at the society today, with a focus on consumerism, foreign travel, tourism and the expression of it. The result of this work is a collection based on the printed Hawaii shirt, made in various techniques, such as laser cutting, transfer printing and knitting.

August Gille

Inspired by military uniforms, this collection challenges the function of pockets in menswear by manipulating
scale, placement and construction. A contrast to the strict, masculine shapes of military wear was found in tie-dying techniques used by the New Age and Anti-war movements of the 1970s.

Karolina Centeno Norberg

This work explores hand weaving in fashion design and aims to develop this technique into a three dimensional garment construction. With focus on the immediate relation between fabric and garment, these two variables are created at the same time, resulting in hand weaved garments with no cutting and sewing.

Ebba Andersson

Of Line
Through analysing the characteristic use of lines in sportswear and evening wear and by the method of 3D sketching – my work aims to explore the juxtaposition of evening wear and sportswear. Consisting the possibilities within expression and construction of new garments.Axel Backlund
A Bounch of Motherfuckers
In this project a collection of clothes, based on the subculture of raggare has been developed. The aim has been to investigate the technique of spray painting directly on garments and thereby developing new expressions in the process of creating prints.

Josephine Persson

Attention to Details
The collection is an exploration of details, in order to question the identiti